Crops and Livestock
While farming is admirable as a way of life, it is also a business. Therefore, our research-based programs promote:
- effective production practices;
- competitive pricing;
- business management skills;
- environmentally sound production practices;
- alternative agriculture businesses;
- youth education about food and fiber sources;
- successful living on a few acres.
Agronomy eUpdate
Agronomy e-Updates are a regular weekly item from K-State Extension Agronomy and Steve Watson, Agronomy
eUpdate Editor. All of the Research and Extension faculty in Agronomy will be involved as sources from time to time.
If you have any questions or suggestions for topics you'd like to have addressed in this weekly update, contact
Steve Watson, 785-532-7105 ( or Curtis Thompson, Extension Agronomy State Leader and Weed
Management Specialist 785-532-3444 (
Click here for the latest Extension Agronomy eUpdate.